Step One (Finding the Harbor from Highway 101):
If you are coming from the 101 North (San Francisco):
1. Take Hwy. 101 South into Santa Barbara.
2. Get off the freeway at Castillo Exit- also noted as the Harbor exit.

3. Turn right on Castillo but get into the left lane quickly (right lane must turn right at next light)
4. Drive toward the ocean until the road ends at Cabrillo/Shoreline intersection.
5. Turn right on Cabrillo/Shoreline. The second light is Harbor Way. Turn left.
You are now in the Harbor parking lot. Please refer to Step Two below.
If you are coming from the 101 South (Los Angeles):
1. Take 101 North into Santa Barbara. Take Garden/Laguna Exit (this is a double exit – stay to the left for Garden).

2. Turn left on Garden and drive until it ends at the beach.
3. Turn right on Cabrillo. Continue on Cabrillo for about a mile.
4. Turn left at Harbor Way. You are now in the Harbor parking lot. Please refer to Step Two below.
Step Two (Finding Us Once You’ve Entered the Harbor):
1. After you turn onto Harbor Way (The only entrance into the harbor), Drive in about 100 feet and take your FIRST immediate left.

2. Drive past the Kiosk and take a ticket for parking.

3. Drive through the main harbor parking lot (over 3 speed bumps)

4. You will come to another gate that will open automatically when you inch close enough (Watch carefully for bikers, joggers and skaters as you cross the bike path.)

5. You may park in the first or second lot (prior to or after automatic gate), but not in the long yellow trailer stalls (short white stalls only).
– white good
– yellow bad
6. We are located on the right side (when looking at the ocean) of the public boat launch ramp.

7. The ramp down to our docks is just in front of the Boat Launch Mini Mart.

8. Our office buildings are Gray with White Trim.

Do NOT go to our Mailing address at 133 Harbor Way. This will take you to the opposite end of the harbor!